We find ourselves on the precipice of what is bound to be the swiftest and most influential technological shift in human history. At times, the pace can be stressful, especially when you're striving to comprehend the unfolding changes so you can strategize effectively. Here's the hard truth: it's impossible to stay completely abreast of every development. No individual, no company can. And you know what? That's absolutely fine.

Just this morning, I woke up with the intention of creating a video about the 'chain of thought', a method for optimizing GPT for performance. After diving into my preliminary research, I quickly realized that my understanding was outdated, and I needed to learn more. Roughly thirty minutes in, I found myself engrossed in videos discussing breakthroughs from just the past few days, developments that were entirely new to me. It sparked a moment of anxiety; how on earth am I supposed to keep pace with all this? My originally allocated time for planning the video seemed grossly insufficient, and I knew I had to devote the upcoming weekend to additional research in order to provide relevant advice. This stirred a mix of frustration and anxiety, a daunting sense of inadequacy, and then... I just had to laugh.

Despite dedicating several hours each day to tracking this technology, despite years of experience in this field, I can't even come close to staying entirely up-to-date. But guess what? Nobody else can either, and that's perfectly alright. All I can do is strive to understand the broader picture, distinguish the signal from the noise, and focus on what's truly relevant. And that's the promise I'm making to you. I commit to producing these brief videos daily, sifting through the barrage of information to share what's important and what's not, and helping you comprehend what's truly relevant. I'm making this commitment fully aware that I won't succeed in capturing everything. I won't always be able to tell you what's most important, but I promise to give it my best shot.

I'd like to encourage you to do the same, and remember to give yourself a break.

Kevin Dewalt
Chief Executive Officer & co-founder

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